Guarding Presley (Black Spade Series Book 1) Read online

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  "Correction, your father is the client; you are the charge I've been contracted to guard. See when your father hired me I made it very clear to him that we are only going to play by my rules, not his, not yours, only mine.

  Now what I will need from you going forward is a detailed list of any and all outings you will be going on during the week, that way I have time to figure out the safest entry and exit points in case of an emergency….or if it's even safe for you to go to in the first place."

  Standing up in a huff she says, “Oh, no you don’t. Now you listen to me you overbearing asshole! No one and I mean no one tells me what to do! If I have to have you shadowing me you will be informed of where I'm going when I see fit! You're not going to just order me around telling me where I can and can't go. If you thought that for one second, you’ve got another thing coming buddy!"

  Moving to sit on the edge of my desk, I wait for her to finish her little rant that I'm enjoying as I watch her breasts jiggle from all the arm movements. When she's finally quiet, I ask: "Are you done now?"

  Placing her hands on her hips causing her shirt to open wider revealing the soft flesh beneath it, I pull my head out of my dick long enough to hear her say. "Am I done? Oh you bet your ass I'm done, and so is this meeting! You're fired Mr. Drake!" As she turns to leave, I hit the button on my desk that locks the door so even the manual lock won't work.

  Yanking on it, she tries for about a minute before she finally gives up and turns around charging at me. "You open this God damn door now! This is kidnapping!"

  Chuckling at yet another one of her outbursts, she heads straight for me and I know she's going to try and slap me. Just as her hand is about to connect to my face, I grab it and force it behind her back bending her over my desk and pinning her there with my other hand on her back.

  The feeling of her ass rubbing against my dick as she shifts, struggling and trying to get free has me adjusting myself behind her so she doesn't feel just how aroused I'm getting from her movements. Letting out a sound of frustration, she threatens: "You let me off this desk right now or so help me I'm going to scream!"

  Leaning down I get right next to her ear and say in a calm voice. "Scream all you want princess, this room is sound proof. Now, are you done acting like a spoiled little brat and ready to get serious about the danger your life is in, or shall we continue to stay in this position until you can calm down a little more?"

  "Just get the hell off of me!" Letting her up she pushes out of my grip when I try to steady her. "Is this how you treat all your clients Mr. Drake, by man handling them?"

  "Again, you're not the client, your father is. Now can we get back to what's going to be involved in your security detail or do you want to continue this childish behavior?"

  Walking over she plops back down in her chair. "Go fuck yourself."

  Walking behind my desk I sit down and decide to take this in another direction. "Just how much do you know about the Mexican Mafia Presley?"

  Not wanting to talk to me she finally says. "Enough."

  Nodding my head I tell her: "Then I'm sure you know that if they were to get their hands on you the first thing they would do with a beautiful woman such as yourself is rape you." Noticing this gets her attention I continue.

  "Then they would drug you, get you hooked on heroine or crack or whatever else they decided to give you, and then they would undoubtedly sell you to someone else who would traffic you. You would disappear never to be heard from again. And the things they would do to you would make you pray for death Presley. Is that something you want?"

  "Of course not! What is that a trick question?"

  "No, it's a fact and it’s only the beginning of what would happen to you if left unprotected. I'm trying to make you see just how serious these threats to your life are. What do you think that would do to your father knowing his only daughter’s life is now in the hands of the Mexican Mafia?"

  "You're just trying to scare me. That's not really going to happen to me, my family is too high profile."

  Shaking my head I tell her: "That's just not true. About two years ago I was part of an extradition team for a government official’s daughter that was kidnapped by the Mafia." Taking a moment to push through the memories of finding the fifteen year old drugged, beaten and raped I continue. "She was only fifteen Presley. What they did to that poor girl. I can't even describe to you what I saw when we found her. I don't want to see that look on any woman's face ever again. That poor girl is still trying to cope with what happened to her to this very day. She'll probably never have the dreams she hoped for herself as a little girl, to be married or have a family. Look, I just want you to get this through your head. If they want you they will try everything at every open opportunity to take you." Watching her for a moment I can see she's finally starting to calm down and take in the seriousness of her situation.


  Listening to Hudson tell me about the fifteen year old girl who was taken, I remember it from when it was on the front page of the New York Times. Being that it's been a couple of years ago I had forgotten all about it, not sure how after what they did to her, and then to know Hudson was part of the team that rescued her, I can only imagine what he saw. Snapping me out of my thoughts I hear him ask: "So what do you say?

  Will you work with me on keeping you safe so I don't have to try and find you after they take you like they did that fifteen year old girl?"

  Knowing it's probably in my best interest to have him around, I decide to give in, but I'm not going to make it easy on him. He needs to learn that I make the decisions in my life not him. He's just there to make sure nothing happens to me. Getting to a standing position I tell him. "I will email you on all of my upcoming outings this next week so you can go over them. But, let's get one thing straight Mr. Drake...your job is to protect me, not run my life, I don't need anyone telling me what to do. I will cooperate as far as my safety goes, but that's it. No interfering in my personal life, you got that?"

  "Tell you what, we will feel this out as we go and approach it just like a marriage. The first priority that I think we both can agree on is your safety; anything else is all a compromise. You work with me and I'll do the same. You ditch me or take off after I've told you a situation isn't safe and you're not going to be happy when I find you."

  Getting up from his desk he gets uncomfortably close to me making my core heat up as he says. "I'm not above taking you over my knee for disobeying me Miss Crawford."

  Words lodged in my throat, I just stare at him for a moment until I'm finally able to say. "You're so full of shit, you wouldn't touch me. Can I go now?"

  Moving one step closer and now towering over me he asks. "Do we have a deal?"

  Not able to stand so close to him without feeling like I'm being sucked in, I take a step back. "Yeah, okay. Can you unlock the door now please, I'd like to go."

  Walking back over to his desk he taps a button and I hear the door unlock. Turning quickly, I head towards it when I hear him say. "Miss Crawford?"

  Turning back I ask. "Yes?"

  Walking over to me and getting way too close again he says. "I'll be looking forward to that email and I'll see you at your place first thing tomorrow morning."

  With my hormones and nerves on the fritz, I just mumble. "Yeah, okay." I open the door and leave letting out a breath of relief to be out of his overbearing presence. As I close my eyes and lean on the door I've just come out of. When I open them, the first thing I see is the knowing smirk of what I just went through in there written all over his secretary's face. Hearing my father I turn my attention to him. "Well were you two able to come to some kind of agreement in there?" He asks walking down the hall from wherever he just went.

  "Yes. Everything is fine, can we just go now? I'm supposed to meet the girls for lunch today." I say heading down the hall.

  "Sure just let Dillion drop me off at the office then he can take you wherever you need to go, okay?"

  Still trying
to shake off the feelings that Hudson awoke inside of me, I answer in gibberish, "yeah, sure, okay, whatever."

  Stopping at the elevators, he grabs both of my arms turning me towards him waking me out of my walking coma and asks. "Are you sure everything's okay? Did he do something to you in there? Because I will set him straight if he laid one finger on you."

  Knowing I could tell my father about Hudson pinning me down on his desk, I can't bring myself to do it knowing it would probably come out of my mouth sounding like I liked it. Did I? God I know I did. Shit! Knowing I need to give him an answer before he goes storming back in there, I tell him "No, it wasn't anything like that. We were just discussing that fifteen year old girl who was taken by the Mexican Mafia a couple of years ago. Hudson was part of the extradition team that brought her back, and hearing his story was a little upsetting is all."

  Pulling me in for a tight hug we get into the elevator as he tells me. "I'm so sorry Pres, I wish I could undo all of this and you would never know a day of fear ever again."

  Snuggling into his chest I tell him: "You're doing the right thing now, that's all that matters. The FBI will get them and then we can go back to our old lives."

  "It's what I pray for every night before I go to sleep." He says kissing the top of my head. Looking down at me he adds. "This is why I want someone watching over you, to take as much of this burden I've created in your life off of your shoulders as possible. You shouldn't have to worry about the mistakes your old man’s made, you should be out there living life and having fun."

  Seeing the pain in his eyes, I know I can never stay mad at him. "I forgive you Daddy, and I'll do my best to stay safe and not make you worry okay?"

  The elevator doors open and we exit. "Thank you baby girl, it's all I want."

  Dillion holds the back door of the limo open as we climb in. After we've dropped my father off at work and his security team at the building has him safely inside, Dillion pulls the limo back into traffic and we head to the restaurant I'm meeting Katherine and Natalia at.


  After my meeting with the Crawford's, I check my emails to see if there's any pressing matters that need my attention before I start Googling both Gordon and Presley to learn everything I can about their lives. Hearing a knock at the door, I know its Cindy. "Come in!"

  Striding in with a huge grin on her face she asks. "What.

  Did. you do to that little spitfire? She came in here all bossy and ready to take your ass on and then left looking like you gave her multiple orgasms." Laughing at how blunt Cindy always is I tell her. "I did not give her any orgasms...well that I'm aware of anyway. I just explained things in a clear and concise manner to her and we came to a mutual understanding."

  "Uh Hu, and is your one rule you never break still intact?" Chuckling I answer. "Yes, yes it is."

  "Well while you were in your little meeting with the queen bee, Vance called and asked that you meet him in his office as soon as you could. I think he just wants to see if you came out of this with your nuts intact." She says giggling.

  "Shows what you two know. I handled that woman, she didn't handle me. I make the rules not my charges, you know this."

  Heading for the door after she drops my messages on my desk she says. "Well what I do know, is when the charge looks like that, that one golden rule of yours is probably just kicking the shit out of that locked door you keep it behind and trying to break out."

  "Just get back to work will ya." I tell her chuckling as I follow her out the door. "I'm going to go see what Vance really wants. I'll be back in a few."

  "Yes Sir Mr. Drake." She says in a sarcastic tone.

  Making my way down the hall I see Vance’s Secretary Tina. "Hey T, is Vance in his office?"

  "Oh hey Hudson, yeah he said just to go in when you got here."

  "Thanks." I say knocking on his door and walking in. Seeing him and Carter bullshitting I ask. "What's up guys?"

  Both of them look at me. "Well he's at least alive." Carter says chuckling.

  "So how did it go with the Crawford's? Did you take the job?" Vance asks.

  Sitting down in one of the empty chairs I tell him. "Sure did, and I set her straight on how this whole thing is going to go. Don't you worry I've got everything under control."

  They sit there staring at me for a moment when we're interrupted by Brice barging in. "You're alive!"

  Turning to face him I say. "You all are just too funny. You act like this is my first time guarding a charge. I've got this!"

  The door to Vance’s office opens again as Kelan strolls in. "See I told you guys he'd make it out alive."

  Laughing I say: "That's it! Fuck all of you! You'll see, I'll have her as obedient as a baby kitten."

  "Just remember those kittens can scratch the shit out of you when they get pissy." Carter chimes in.

  "Okay, okay let's lay off of him. There was a reason I called all of you in here. I want to go over this case that Drake is taking on. As we all know there are all kinds of mobs, cults, MC's and mafias out there but when it comes to the Mexican Mafia, they play the dirtiest. With all the others your family tends to be what they'll take on their final attempts to get at you, whereas the Mexican Mafia will go after them first, and we all know what happens to them especially if they're a women. When we take on these kinds of cases, I just like to remind you guys that even though it's only Drake guarding her, all of our families are on the line here. So, with that said knowing none of us are currently seeing anyone seriously or have any kids we're relatively safe. But, just to be sure those of you with family warn them to keep their eyes out for anything odd and make sure that their locking their doors and setting those alarms we made them all get last year." Vance tells us.

  All of us nod knowing the drill. Carter turning back to me says. "All kidding aside, you make sure to be careful out there brother, no showboating, and call us anytime, anywhere if you need back up on this one."

  Thinking to myself that there was no better decision I made in my life than starting Black Spade Securities with these four, I assure them. "I'll be careful and if I need you I'll call you. You have my word on that."

  After going over a few cases that needed to be closed, I head back down to my office and hear an upset sounding Cindy. "Wait! Here he comes, hold on."

  Waving at me to walk faster I take off at a jog. "What is it? What's going on?"

  Pushing the phone at me she says: "It's Presley, Dillion was just killed outside the restaurant she's at and she's freaking out!"

  Grabbing the phone I ask her: "Where are you? Are you okay?"

  Hearing only sobs on the other end of the line and no answers I shout into the phone. "Presley! Answer me!" "N..No...No I'm fine, but Di...Dillion is dead!"

  "Where are you?"

  "I'm at the restaurant Sweet Peas." "Are you in a safe spot?"

  "I'm in the dining room with my friends."

  "Find the manager and hand him or her, the phone right now!"

  A few moments go by when a man comes on the line. "Hello this is Alonzo."

  "Alonzo, this is Hudson Drake with Black Spade Securities."

  “Yes Sir, I know who you are.”

  "Great, I need you to do me a favor and gather Miss Crawford and her friends up and lock them in your office. Their lives are in danger and Miss Crawford is a client of ours."

  "Yes Sir, I'll do that right now."

  "Thank you I'm on my way, can you hand Miss Crawford the phone back so I can talk to her."

  "Yes” He says before I hear a tearful Presley answer the phone.


  "Yes, I'm coming for you Presley, but I need you to go with Alonzo and stay in his office until I get there. You got that." "Y..Yes, I will."

  Hanging up the phone with her, I text Carter to meet me in the garage and grab my keys out of my office before telling Cindy. "I may not be back after I pick her up."

  "Okay, please be careful!" She yells after me as I rush towards the ele

  "Always am." I tell her as the doors shut closed.

  Exiting the elevator, I see Carter jogging my way from the other side of the garage. "What's going on?"

  "Get in!" I tell him running up to my SUV and sliding in shutting the door. As I start the car and hit the accelerator hard, it causes the tires to squeal as we exit the garage. "Dillion was shot just a few minutes ago right outside that restaurant Sweet Peas."

  "Shit! Is he alive?"

  Looking over at him I shake my head. “He didn't make it." "Who did he have with him?"


  Letting out a breath he says: "Fuck man, this shit storm is starting already, isn't it? There's only one person who could be behind this."

  "Pablo Sanchez." We both say at the same time. Speeding down the road, my only thought is to get to Presley and get her safe.


  After we pull up to Sweet Peas where I'm meeting the girls Dillion walks me inside and makes sure I'm okay before heading back out to wait by the car. "So tell us about this new hottie bodyguard of yours.” Natalia says holding up her phone with the picture of Hudson on it that I sent Alannah.

  Getting a big smile on my face, I try to tame it down before I tell them "He's actually not a bad guy even though he did bend me over and pin me face down on his desk this morning."

  "Get. Out!" Katherine says loudly.

  "Shhh, it was nothing sexual, I just tried to slap him across the face and he caught my hand and forced it behind my back and pressed me down on his desk to try and calm me down."

  Looking at the two of them across from me with their mouths gaping open like I've just told them about a hot night of dirty sex reaffirms my decision not to tell my father about the incident was the right one.