His Darkest Desires Read online

Page 5

  Biting her bottom lip, she smiled. "Yes, I am. I don't think I've ever had an orgasm like that in my life the way I did last night." Hearing her say that I'd brought her that kind of pleasure, I couldn’t hide the smirk that made its way across my face. "What's that look for?" She giggled.

  "I told you, there is no feeling like knowing you were the one to bring someone so much pleasure, and hearing that I did that for you is the most satisfying feeling for me as a Dom, and as a man. That’s all I could ever ask for."

  She leaned over and kissed me on my cheek. "Well, you did. Three times if we're counting all of them." She added, bringing a smile back to my face that never seemed to ever fully fade away when she was in my arms.

  Thinking back to my demand on her last night about Jared, I knew that we need to discuss it while she was still in her relaxed state of mind, I rolled onto my side and looked her into her eyes. "Sloane, there's something we still need to talk about."

  She let out what sounded like a frustrated sigh. "Is this about Jared?"

  "Yes, it is. I need to know that you are mine and only mine."

  She turned over onto her back. "I know. I just have to figure out what I'm going to say to him first. I don't want to hurt him, Archer." Understanding that she had a big heart and wouldn't want to hurt a fly, it still bothered me that she cared so much about this man I only saw as an obstacle that was in my way and it caused my blood to boil.




  Lying here in Archer's arms as he stroked my skin ever so lightly was the one dream that I'd had these past few months come true. But at the mention of Jared's name it brought this picture-perfect moment crashing down. I cared about him, I really did, but somewhere deep inside, I think I always knew he would only ever be a distraction from what I really wanted.


  And now that I had him, I couldn't help feeling guilty for using Jared the way I did, or the hurt I'd have to inflict on him yet again. He deserved better than this, and I knew one thing, though, I needed to do this before I chickened out. Reaching for my phone on the nightstand Archer asked. "Are you texting Jared?"

  "Yes, I figure I need to get this over with before I chicken out."

  A look of irritation crossed his face. "Why would you chicken out, Sloane? Don't you want to be with me?"

  I let out an irritated breath of my own. "Yes, of course I do. I'm just not really crazy about having to hurt someone I've come to care about. Surely even you can understand that?"

  "Well, I know that you didn't have a problem telling me to get the fuck out of your life."

  Freezing at his comment, I turned to look at him and say something, but my anger kept the words from coming out, so I decide to get out of bed and find my clothes. I felt the enormous need right now to leave and think about if I really wanted him to have the kind of control he was already stealing from me. "What are you doing?"

  Grabbing my dress and slipping it over my head, I turned around to answer him. "I'm getting dressed and leaving Archer, even you should recognize something so familiar to your own actions. After all, it's what you do best." Turning back around, I scooped up my shoes and exited the room, leaving him with a hurt and confused expression on his face.

  Just like the ones he always used to leave me with.

  I heard him rushing down the hall after me before I felt his hand wrap around my arm, bringing me to a stop. "Let go of my arm, right now." I told him between clenched teeth.

  Pulling me back towards him so hard it slammed my body into his, he cradled my face. "Are you leaving me? Is this what this is? I let you in. Put all my cards on the fucking table and then you use them like weapons against me?"

  My hardness crumbled at the heartbreak I heard cracking through his voice and in his eyes. "No, that's not what this is, Archer. What this is, is unresolved issues you and I have from the past. Your low blow in there about my ending things with you, and my counter blow with your leaving all the time. If we're going to do this. Be this. We need to let the past go and forgive each other for our mistakes. Warranted or not."

  Letting out a breath, he gripped my shoulders as he pressed his forehead to mine. "I'm sorry, I know why you told me to get out of your life, and I know I deserved it... but hearing how much you care for this guy... it drives me crazy, and just knowing he's been with you... inside you... I... can’t even think about it without wanting to kill him."

  Letting out a sigh, I grabbed his face, bringing his eyes to mine. "He's not at fault here, Archer. We are. We are the ones in this, and he is just an innocent bystander that got swept up in the mess we created. Just give me the time I need to tell him. I don't want to hurt him anymore than I have to. So, I need to do this my way, you at least owe me that much."

  I watched as his jaw ticked. "Okay, but don't take too long or you know I will do it for you without even a concern for the guy."

  "Understood. Just give me the rest of this weekend and it will be done by Monday, okay?"

  Sitting there silent for a moment, I could see the wheels turning. "How about this. I will give you until Monday morning if you stay here with me tonight and tomorrow night, that way I know he's not seducing you into sleeping with him at night."

  Placing my hands on my hips, I was a little irritated that he thought that I could be swayed so easily by a man. So I decided that it was time to teach him a little lesson. "You act as though it has to be dark outside to have sex. You do know about this thing called a nooner, right?"

  Realizing that I was messing with him, he gripped my waist, pulling me up hard against his growing erection. "It's not wise to smart off to me you know. I'm not above taking you to the couch and bending you over my knee. Or better yet bringing you to the edge of orgasm and then leaving you there for the rest of the day to suffer. I would have thought after last night you would know better than to push me too far, angel."

  Not even lying, the words he’d said to me got me so hot I wanted to jump him, right here and now.

  What’s wrong with me? I thought to myself.

  Swallowing before I spoke, trying to calm my hormones back down, I answered. "You're... ah... you're right I should know better. Lesson learned."

  Shaking his head at me, he started to back me up towards the couch. "No, I don't think so. I think you need to have a lesson in what punishment really is before you can grip the reality of what smarting off to me gets you."


  No sooner did I ask the question, he had my back on the couch and his head between my thighs, sucking and biting my clit. Bringing my hands to his head, he stopped what he was doing to bark out an order. "Hands over your head. Grip the armrest. Now. And don't you dare move them or it's going to be the whip next on your ass for disobeying me."

  Why is it that hearing his threats turn me on every time?

  He continued the onslaught of pleasure he was bringing to my body, and I began to lose myself in the moment with all my worries and concerns slipping away with every lick and every bite. "I'm close... you're going to make me come, Archer. Please let me come."

  Suddenly, he stopped and brought his lips to mine. "Taste your sweet self on me," he said, covering my mouth with his, sliding his tongue in and out at an erotically smooth pace, that was doing nothing for cooling the fire that burned between my thighs for him. Breaking the kiss, he stared into my eyes like he was looking for something in me he needed to find.




  Or maybe all of it. Snapping me out of the trance he'd put me in, he got up off the couch and extended his hand out to help me up, leaving me on edge once again. "Are you really going to leave me like this all day?"

  He laughed at the painful tone in my voice. "It is called punishment for a reason, Sloane."

  "But the whole day?! Archer, you can't be serious!"

  Grabbing my chin with two fingers, he kissed me on the lips. "Oh, but I can, and I am, angel." Letting out a frustrated b
reath, I turned to head for the door when I felt his arm wrap around my waist, pulling my back to his chest. "Do you think you deserve to come, Sloane?"



  "Because, I learned my lesson about being a smart ass to you?"

  Laughing at the fact I'd formed my answer in a question instead of a statement, he answered. "Yeah, I don't think you have. But... I'm not going to allow you to leave here in this needy state, you know why?" He pulled my head to the side by my hair and began to nibble down the side of my neck, sending chills racing through my body.


  "Because, that will make you more vulnerable around Jared, and I don't want that. So, I'm going to give you what you want this time, angel. But I won't always be so accommodating like this, so just remember that." He finished as his one hand wraps around my neck, holding me in place, as the other one found its way to my aching wet sex. Pushing two fingers inside of me, he growled in between kisses on my neck. "Fuck, you're always so wet and ready for me. The way your body responds to me gets me so fucking hard for you, angel." As his fingers hit that spot that undid me every time, his thumb circled my clit, bringing me closer to my release. "Wrap your arms around my neck." Stretching my arms back behind me to reach his height, I did as I was told as he massaged my breasts under my dress, pinching my nipples with his free hand. Biting my ear, he growled. "Spread those sexy legs of yours wide for me and put your right foot up on the coffee table so I can satisfy what is mine."

  Doing as I'd been told, it felt as if he was going even deeper inside of me, and I was about to lose it. "I can't hold it anymore, Archer. I need to come."

  I could feel his hot breath against my neck. "Then come all over my fingers, angel." Given permission, my body exploded into a sight blinding orgasm as he finger-fucked me through it, holding my body up to keep me from falling from the weakness the orgasm caused in my legs. Wrapping his arms around me, he picked me up, cradling me, and sat us down on the couch as he waited for the fog of euphoria to lift away from my body. "Better now?" He kissed my forehead.

  I gave him a big smile. "Yes, much better."




  Letting Sloane leave me to go deal with that prick, Jared, was probably the hardest thing I'd ever had to do. It wasn’t that I didn't trust her, it was him that I didn't trust, the reason I had Riker hacking into his background right now. I would love to be there by her side when she delivered the blow that she couldn't see him anymore, but I also knew when not to push her too hard. I was already on a short leash with her, and if I pushed her too far, she'd be liable to call the whole thing off. Thinking about the leash metaphor I just used to describe the terms I was on with Sloane; I couldn't help but laugh at myself for thinking of it. Here I was The Dom in this relationship, yet she had me on a leash. "God, I'm so fucked!" I said out loud as I headed into the shower to clean up. I needed to go out to do a few things before she returned tonight. I just really wish I could see the look on Jared's face when she pulled up in my Jag. That will be his first clue something was about to go sideways.

  Was I being a total asshole right now? You bet your damn ass I was. A possessive asshole to be more precise.

  Pulling into the office parking garage, I noticed Riker’s car parked towards the front. Happy to see he'd been here already; I couldn't wait to get my hands on the Intel he'd gotten from Jared's past. Entering the building, I took the long elevator ride up only to find Riker waiting for me in my office. Surprised to see him I asked. "How the hell did you know I was coming in here today."

  Chuckling to himself as he got up and strode over to me. "I am the company hacker you know, brother," he said, patting me on the shoulder.

  "What? Did you, have..."?

  "GPS, man. It's on all the vehicles?"

  "Oh shit, you had me thinking you were hacking into my ass for a minute there."

  Laughing at my comment he replied. "Yeah, your ass is not the kind I'm interested in."

  "Whatever man, let's get to the goods. What did you find on our friend, Mr. Jared Knight?"

  "Well, I found out that he was born and raised in Scottsdale, Arizona, but moved to San Marcos, Texas when he started school at TSU. He graduated there with a degree in engineering and then moved here to Chicago when he got a job with an architect firm by the name of Stanley and Co. Other than that, he has no arrest record or warrants. But he does have some records that were sealed as an under aged teenager. So, until I can get into those, which I'm currently working on as we speak, I won't know what it was he was accused of doing back then." Feeling the pinch of panic over that folder I couldn't help the need that overcame me to text Sloane. I just needed to check that she was okay. Digging my phone out of my pocket, I shot off a quick text.

  Me: Hey, just wanted to make sure you got home okay.

  I set my phone down on the desk, willing a quick response. Seeing the concerned look on my face, Riker spoke up. "Hey, I'm sure it's nothing serious. He probably did some petty theft or stole a car or something like that. Just the typical teenage bullshit we all pulled, but didn't get caught for."

  "Yeah, you're probably right, but I'll feel better once I know she's okay."

  "Yeah, I know that feeling."

  "Have you heard from Monica since she left for her assignment in Washington DC?"

  He let out a heavy breath. "We've talked and texted a few times here and there, but she's still holding me at a distance. You know after what Frankie's guy did to her in Mexico a few months back, she likes to act like she's all pulled together. But I still see the battered, terrified woman we found that day, peeking through her well-placed mask of strength. And on top of that, the level of frustration that woman causes me in general on a daily basis, I can't help it. I still want her so fucking bad."

  Grabbing a hold of my phone, I shook it in the air. "Welcome to my world, brother. Ain’t it great?" Both of us started to laugh at the fact that we were both falling over ourselves over a God damn woman. The one thing I personally swore I would never do. Finally, my phone beeped at me with a text from her.

  Sloane: Yes, I did, worry not about your precious car, it's parked at my place while I use mine to head out and meet up with Jared. I'll see you soon.

  Slamming my phone back down onto my desk, I shouted out an obscenity in frustration. "Shit!"

  "Whoa, is everything okay?" Riker asked, concern in his voice.

  I shoved my hand through my hair. "Yes, she's just fine. But I told her to use my car today when she left, knowing she was going to meet that prick, Jared, and she just said that she left it at her place and took her own car to meet up with him."

  He chuckled at me. "Boy you're a real territorial asshole, aren't you? You're only pissed because you wanted Jared to see what you're capable of giving her what he's not."

  "And you'd sure as shit do the same thing if some guy was a threat to your relationship with Monica."

  Ending his laugh quickly, he cleared his throat. "You're God damn right I would. But you are still an asshole. And I never said I wasn't one as well."

  "Yeah, well, I want this whole thing over with and that guy out of our lives for good. I don't want to have to worry about him trying to win her back somehow."

  Nodding his head in agreement, he said, "I can totally understand that, but the thing you have to think about is, you know what you're willing to go through to keep her in your life. So, the question is, what is he capable of if trying to do the same? My advice to you? Don't assume that this guy is just going to just give up on her because she tells him it's over. Sloane is a beautiful, vivacious woman with a caring heart. Not many men are going to be willing to just walk away from that."

  Not really liking Riker’s keen observation of my woman, but understanding he only means the best I finally said, "Well, even though I'm not sure I like you being so observant of her, I can appreciate what you're saying. And you're right. I just hope he is smart enough to know he can't compete ag
ainst me. I made sure last night that she knows no one else will ever make her feel the way I do."

  He chuckled. "Dude, you know what's funny? Is you thinking you've got that woman wrapped around your finger. But in reality, it's her that's got you jumping through hoops just to keep her. You are by far one fucked sonofabitch."

  Laughing it up some more, he started to get up to head out the door. "You know what I can't wait for?"

  "What’s that?"

  "When Monica gets back to town, I'll have been through my tormented shit with Sloane, and yours will just be beginning." I leaned back in my chair and propped my hands behind my head with a knowing smirk of what he was in for.

  "We'll see about that. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to see if that information you want so badly on your competition is in."

  "Thanks, man." I chuckled, knowing that I’d gotten under his skin.

  Sitting at my desk, I began to wonder if Sloane was meeting with Jared at the café. Had she taken my Jag, like I told her to, I could find her on GPS. But since she didn't, maybe I need to see about getting some coffee to take my mind off this whole thing. My phone ringing drew me out of my thoughts. Wondering if it was Sloane, I looked down at the caller ID and saw that it wasn’t. "Jennings here."

  "Mr. Jennings, it's Summer. Summer Elliot. You talked to me about the attack at the BDSM club?"

  "Yes, Miss Elliot, how are you feeling? Is everything okay?"

  "No, everything is not okay. I'm scared, Mr. Jennings, really scared, and I need to talk to you tonight. Is there some way you can meet me?"

  Hoping this would be the break I'd been looking for to catch this asshole, I said, "Name the place and time."

  "There's a bar called the Match Box. Know of it?"

  "Yes, I do."

  "I'll be there at eight o'clock."

  "Okay." As soon as I gave her my one word answer the line disconnected.

